
Über isleva

about isleva

Eva Heinelt

about isleva Eva Heinelt Isleva has been living and working in Wiesbaden for over 18 years. She works intuitively and follows the creative impulses that result from the various materials....

about isleva

Eva Heinelt

about isleva Eva Heinelt Isleva has been living and working in Wiesbaden for over 18 years. She works intuitively and follows the creative impulses that result from the various materials....

nun endlich steht die Homepage !

finally the homepage is up!

Eva Heinelt

What is worth waiting for ... The creation of the new homepage took a little longer than expected. This was also due to the fact that a shop was now...

finally the homepage is up!

Eva Heinelt

What is worth waiting for ... The creation of the new homepage took a little longer than expected. This was also due to the fact that a shop was now...

Rief by isleva ist fertig

My new home page

Eva Heinelt

I've finally started redesigning my website. It is now being expanded to include a shop and blog, which still means a lot of work for me. Luckily, I get strong...

My new home page

Eva Heinelt

I've finally started redesigning my website. It is now being expanded to include a shop and blog, which still means a lot of work for me. Luckily, I get strong...

Tatorte Kunst 2021 Impressionen

Crime scenes art 2021 impressions

Eva Heinelt

The exhibition was a great success! Thank you to everyone who visited me! Here is a video of my exhibition:

Crime scenes art 2021 impressions

Eva Heinelt

The exhibition was a great success! Thank you to everyone who visited me! Here is a video of my exhibition: